VACI’s ISO/IEC 17025:2017 certificate is valid for 5 years.
For the CABs that have been accredited for the first time with a 2-year accreditation cycle before April 18, 2021, VACI will notify of changing the accreditation cycle from 2 years to 5 years.
For the CABs being accredited with a 2-year cycle that wants to be granted a 5-year valid accreditation certificate, after re-contracting the contract, it will conduct an accreditation audit according to the VACI’s accreditation assessment process VACI.P7.1.
For accredited CABs with a 2-year cycle that want to be granted a 5-year valid accreditation certificate, they must complete the old accreditation cycle and will switch to the new cycle after re-accreditation.