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Evaluation and recognition of Experimental Repair Enterprise under Central Power Company

The evaluation team of the Vietnam Quality Accreditation Institute held the opening meeting to evaluate the Accreditation of Repair – Testing Enterprise under Central Power Service Company – Branch of Central Power Corporation. ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard assessment standard. Test field: Electrical – Electronics.

Participants: Central Power Service Company: Mr.: Le Huu Danh – Deputy Director of the Company- Leadership Representative for Quality Management. Mr: Vo Khac Hoang – Deputy Director of the Company – In charge of the company’s laboratory work. Representative Leader of Administration Department, Department of Technical Planning and Business of the Company. Representative of the Laboratory: Repair Factory – Experiment. Mr. Nguyen Quang Minh – Director of the Enterprise. Mr. Ta Cuong – Deputy Director of the Enterprise, in charge of experimental work at the Enterprise. Evaluation team of the Vietnam Quality Accreditation Institute. Mr: La Van Toan – Quality assessment expert, Team leader. Mr: Nguyen Danh Hoa – Technical Reviewer – Member.

Opening the meeting Mr.: Do Van Thai introduced participants

Mr. Le Huu Danh – Deputy Director of the Company – Leading Representative of Quality Management delivered the opening speech.

Mr. La Van Toan, Head of the evaluation team, announced the decision to establish the team and agreed on the content of the assessment plan and program.

In order for the evaluation to get the best results, the Board of Directors representing the Central Power Service Company closely directed the staff to create all favorable conditions, coordinate with the evaluation team, and seriously implement the contents of the assessment. required by the Evaluation Team. After the assessment is completed, the evaluation team shall notify in writing the assessment results to the unit.

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